Quote of the day- Happiness and joy

“Balance and empowerment can be planned in order to give you happiness, but unplanned events will bring joy into your life. Take control, be happy. Let life take control at certain times, you’ll be even happier. Happiness is hatched within but grows thanks to others. It is rather abstract, but others can contribute to your everyday happiness, by bringing short-timed yet powerful doses of joy. If we are talking about a pyramid, establish the basis of your happiness by finding stability and let people come above that. Always surround yourself with the ones that can be part of this pyramid and bring joyful experiences with their presence. Happiness should not depend on others, but don’t be scared of letting people make you happy to fulfill the abstract concept of happiness. Emotion is beauty. Happiness is not about yourself only. Try your best to be part of others’ pyramids.” – Me. 



It was a great day today! I completed my workout in the morning and went out later with a great attitude. I am really really happy. If you would like to check the workout(s) I am following, here you have two links:


I am trying to do both workouts or challenges at once. I did so for 20 days in a row but I quit, so now, I decided to start from the beginning and do it properly since I have a lot more time. YAAAYY SUMMER 🙂 

I would seriously love it if you felt like following the workouts above and blog about it. We could both blog about it. The hashtag used on Twitter is #30dayfitness, so we might as well make it popular here around WordPress. If you are interested, well you can always comment here or contact me by email, this one should be on my gravatar profile if I am not mistaken. 

When I woke up I saw a comment I loved;

“Move forward openly with curiosity and amusement with your passions rather than demands and hopes. Don’t expect it to go as planned but know that the unplanned may lead to the best later. The best is yet to come.” -Erik Conover. Here is a link to his blog: http://erikconover.com/

It’s true. I planned my day and planning it helped me get going. But after waking up to this and after today’s day, I have learnt one thing; You can “plan happiness” in the sense of balance and empowerment, but joy is unexpected and it’s a beautiful emotion that involves more than yourself. Unplanned things are the extra bit of happiness that one cannot miss. Happiness is not only about yourself but also about others. Oh boy, I like the sound of that; I am making it a quote on my next post, which I will do as soon as I finish this one.

By the way, please please if you could recommend some books for me to read, please do! I want to read this summer but I don’t know what to read. I recently read The Fault In Our Stars and loved it. I’m going to watch it in the cinema tomorrow! Yay! If I’m up for it, I will compare the book and the movie vaguely.

This is all I can do for today, I am kind of tired and I want to wake up early tomorrow and get going with life. I am going to give writing some more time tomorrow. Thank you guys for giving me strength and for taking your time to read this. 

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, wherever you’re reading this. Have a great great day ahead! or if you’re reading this late, sleep well and make the best of tomorrow. 


Advice to myself

I am going to try something new tonight. I say tonight because I don’t know where you live, but it is 1:23 am right now. Whoops! Make a wish. Don’t ask me what I am doing awake at the moment because I don’t really know myself. 

My life is full of ups and downs lately. I hate that so much. Stability is where I find balance and happiness ad that is just how I want my life to be; stable. I want to be confident and take control of situations and do things honestly, which is how I thought things were going about two months ago. But now summer has started and it seems crazy how this time it is not having a positive effect on me, but a negative one. 

My social life has its way of stressing me out at times. I am lazy, I don’t feel like doing anything. Boys suck. It sucks to love someone who doesn’t give two shits about you and it sucks to be loved by someone you don’t really like. You feel bad both ways. Yeah sure, love is about that. Someday you will fall in love with a person and the feeling will be mutual, but as of now, umm yeah; it isn’t. I also feel like I’m not dealing with problems in a good way. I don’t like my attitude towards things that happen to me and how I’m dealing with them. 

It’s not like I overanalyse every single thing, because one cannot live that way. But now I’ve had the urge to do so because I’ve been in a shitty mood for a while now. This has to stop. I can’t get stuck because things aren’t working. I have to get up and make them work because no one else can do that for me.  So now that you pretty much know the situation, I am going to try something out. I am going to disassociate completely from “being me” and I am going to give myself some advice. This has work, right? There cannot be a better person than myself to advice me.


1) As soon as you get up please check this from your phone. Good morning! 
2) Happy wednesday. You felt like things are not working, now you go make them work
3) Play Unwritten on your speakers, close your eyes and listen. Give me one positive thought in the morning.
4) Do not check your social networks yet, sweetheart
5) Go to the bathroom, look at yourself in the mirror and compliment yourself. Give yourself the power to change
6) Have a healthy breakfast 
7) Back to your room. Play some exercise music and do your workout. 
8) Take a shower
9) You have started your day right. It should be almost time for lunch now. Go talk to your mum for a while and appreciate the fact that you have her. Help her out with anything she needs
10) After eating, write a positive thought on a piece of paper and try to remember the one you gave yourself in the morning. Check your social networks for 20 minutes if you like. 
11) Chill, watch a movie or look at diy stuff and do what you wanted to do, but keep yourself busy. Paint your nails orange!
12) Keep in mind some principles:
– Be honest 
-Enjoy people’s company
-Surround yourself with the ones that need you not the ones that don’t. Those can fuck off.
13) You may write if you want. It will make you feel a bit more powerful and worthy. It could be cool if you engaged yourself in a summer project, just to have some motivation. It could be a writing project or otherwise. 
15) Reply to this post, will you? Tell me how today’s day went. 

Let it be a new beginning. 





Amor- Love

Hello, I know it’s been forever but it is finally summer and I want to go back to writing. I will try to show some commitment. We could say I had some love issues recently and so I was writing about it. Here is what I wrote (it’s in Spanish but if you don’t understand it, I will make an effort and attempt to translate it below for you):

“Vivimos por amor. Es el amor el sentimiento que mueve a la humanidad, el que nos hace perseguir las olas del mar en verano y donde nos refugiamos cuando hace frío en invierno. Pero el amor solo lo podemos describir como cálido, rojo y apasionado. Es inevitable e inelegible y cuestión de azar si te sacará una sonrisa a media noche o si hará que caigan lágrimas en tu almohada.

La brisa fresquita que acaricia tu rostro en primavera y el viento que te bofetea la cara en otoño; no existe brisa sin viento, ni viento sin brisa. En otoño el fuerte viento te seca los ojos y los árboles pierden sus hojas. Las hojas caen a la vez que lo hacen tus lágrimas. Parece mentira que todavía recuerdes la primavera; el olor de una flor y su florecer. La anhelas pero el curso de la vida es el que es, nunca habrá una nueva primavera sin antes haber un demoledor otoño.

Tan fino y tan fuerte como el viento. Arranca troncos, pone la piel de gallina, pasea emociones. Se va y viene, y ahí abajo estamos nosotros, como pequeños soldaditos de plomo esclavos del amor. El amor nos viene grande siempre, nunca podemos forzarlo o evitarlo.

Es natural como las mismas estaciones y mueve a los pequeños soldaditos de abajo, que ilusos buscan la luz de la vida y el sentimiento que la provoca. A pesar de que algunos caen en otoño e invierno, esperan con ansia el verano y la primavera, como si fuesen los primeros rayos de luz o las primeras flores.

¿Cómo podemos vivir por algo que nos mata?- me pregunto-. ¿Y qué es la vida sin algo de muerte en ella?-me respondo-. El amor es la emoción de los soldaditos, y qué mejor que morir con vida…”


“We live for love. it is love the feeling that moves humanity, the one feeling that makes us chase ocean waves in the summer and where we find shelter when it’s cold in winter. But we can only describe love as warm, red and passionate. It is inevitable and not choosable and a question of chance whether it will draw a smile on your face at midnight or make tears fall on your pillow.

The fresh breeze that caresses your face in spring and the wind that buffets your face in autumn; wind cannot exist without a breeze and a breeze cannot exist without wind. During autumn, a strong wind dries your eyes out and trees lose their leaves. Leaves fall as your tears do. It is almost funny how you still remember spring; the smell of a flower and its growing up. You miss it but the course of life is the course of life; there will never be a new spring without there having been a demolishing autumn before.

As fine yet as strong as the wind. It pulls of tree trunks, gives goose bumps, walks emotions. It comes and it goes, and underneath there we are, like small tin soldiers, slaves of love. Love is always bigger than us, we can never force it or avoid it.

It is natural just like seasons and it moves the small soldiers underneath, who naively search for light in life and the feeling that causes it. Although some fall during autumn and winter, they look forward to summer and spring, as if they were the first sun rays or the first flowers.

How can we live for something that kills us?- I ask myself-. And what is life without some death in it?- I instantly reply-. Love is the emotion of the soldier, and there is nothing better than dying lively.”

I attempted to translate this but it was kind of hard because of idioms, expressions, etc. Please tell me what you think. I’m open to your thoughts, and they’re always great to hear!

Us, Teenagers

We waste way too much time worrying about the tiniest things, don’t you think? We are able to make a big deal out of nothing. Teenagers, including myself, go on shitty moods because of the dumbest things you could ever think of. “I don’t have time to finish a project”, “my average dropped”, “Oh god! That test went so badly”, “Why can’t that guy like me?”, “Why did my friend do that?”, “I really don’t want to go with those people but I feel like I have to”, “I hate all of those cool people, always judging, always talking behind your back”, and whatnot. Holy shit. Ain’t it true, though? We worry, we cry, we suffer, we stress out, because of problems that don’t even exist.

It’s taken me way too long to figure this out. Sure, I knew before but now life and its circumstances makes me want to do something about it. Now, I do want to live my life to the fullest, and I’m seriously going to do whatever it takes.

If I don’t want to go, I will not go.
If it’s not worth it, I will quit.
If I don’t like them, I will stop putting on an act.
I will laugh my heart out. I will wake up on mondays and be happy because who says a monday cannot be the best day of my life? I will love unconditionally because love makes people happy. I will enjoy the feeling of a hot shower in the morning. I will not die working. I will try to make a difference. Because going with the flow does not work.

I am positive for the negative is dark, and why would you not see the beauty out there when there is tons of it?


Faith in humanity

Faith has a beautiful meaning, unquestionably believing something that we might not even to check by any means. Humanity, humans who have evolved to be benevolent. How inspirational are both of these terms! However it just seems that when put together the beauty becomes unclear to the beholder, sort of like getting a new pair of glasses, which at first, may give you a light headache too. Everything just spins and we enter a cycle of senseless thought. Listen to the word “humanity”, starts strong, ends weak. Some minds have more faith than others. Corruption only exists in the government, and in the democratic system- you hear people say. Still, they don’t realise that we are all corrupt in one way or another. People kill, people steal, people rape, people break laws. For others, there might be no question. We make mistakes but we all develop into better human beings. We have had racial issues like the Apartheid or the Holocaust, but now our society is different, people have the same rights. Yet the prejudice still exists in our society. Changing laws does not mean changing the mindset of people. To what extent should we have faith in humanity? Now it might be your turn to rethink some of this. Can you see through the lenses? Are they giving you a headache? Perhaps need a change in glasses?

Louder than whispers

Why do we care so much about what people think? What’s it to you? Think about it. You have the reputation for blah blah blah in school, and so what? Overall why do we care so much? Is it because we think their judgements are right? Sometimes that might be the case. But most importantly I think it’s because we feel awkward or even ashamed to know our names could be crossing someone’s mind at the moment. Let’s go beyond that though. I’m thinking of people constantly, sometimes I see good qualities in them, and other times, even though I try, I can’t help but judge yet that does not necessarily mean the other person is going through an emotional breakdown or whatever. Perhaps the key really is for you to speak louder than the whispers you fear hearing or fear thinking of. Admit it, that sounds rather easy. Louder than whispers. You might as well stop caring. Live your life. Now it is when I have come to realise that not everybody will like you, yet we are all equal. The ones you love and that care for you are the ones that deserve most of your time. Sure thing you can enrich from talking to different people but the ones that stay always there are the ones that are worthy. 

Just some thoughts on society right there. 

Life is Work…

Have you guys never noticed that we made of life this stupid vicious cycle where everyone has to work? I’m not trying to sound lazy, but think about it. From a very young age, children are put in school. The moment they are, they start working, whether it is Math or English, but the point is they’re making an effort to learn. Then, we get older, our responsibilities grow more important. We reach a point where we don’t work for ourselves, but we begin working for others. And others work for others. As we grow older, the amount of work and its magnitude increases as well. We are put under so much pressure at times, that I believe we could even call it exploitation. Don’t you think all this work we’re given kind of takes our lives away from us? Why? Why have we created this kind of society where work is the base of everything, when us, humans, generally tend to be lazy?

We have aspirations, and generation after generation, we aspire to bigger things. For some it might be something inspiring, for others it’s just work, after a while I guess. I’ve been thinking about it and I came to all of this. For example, say that many years ago, there’s a kid and he wants money to buy a ball to play with, so he figures he can do simple tasks at home and convince his parents to get paid for doing so. That’s exciting to him. Now, it would stink if we ended up becoming housecleaners.

But then it’s not only that but also our society needs to evolve; it needs to prosper. If it wasn’t for work, we wouldn’t be where we are now. All of this technology, knowledge, medical research doesn’t come from nowhere. It’s all work. Unfortunately, it literally is unsustainable for our society not to go into that vicious cycle of work.

This sort of reflection comes from me; a teenager who’s fed up with work at the moment. Only if you knew how much I need to get done! But I’m here because I feel like everything is so unbalanced if all I do is study, study, and study. I wanted to think and write a little like I used to, and I’m starting to do again. So really the solution to this work thing is to work, disassociate from work, balance things out and try to enjoy what I do if I want to enjoy my life. Because life is work! And it’s what it’s going to be. If I can’t adapt a situation to my needs, then I should stop complaining and perhaps, adapt myself to the situation; something I always end up doing and also end up finding quite enriching.

Dear 2014 Elisa…

Dear 2014 Elisa,

I need to start out by saying that I find writing this quite emotional. I’m getting goose bumps on my arms as I think of everything that I’m about to write. I love you to death and I want you to read this throughout this upcoming year just so you can sort of “keep in touch” with me- the 2013 Elisa.

First things first, let’s look back at this year. It’s been one of the best years of my life so far. The first half was full of thinking about my possible future, uncertainty, and oh god lots of thinking and writing. But most importantly, it was beautiful, I learnt to seize the present and love wholeheartedly. I have learnt the beauty and emotion of friendship. I made the memories I look back at now. Second half was interesting and beautiful too. I became stronger; watched my home turn into a stranger’s house, said goodbye. It was painful yet unforgettable. The pain and the strength were beautiful though, how I said goodbye to my best friends was the best way it could have possible been. Remember? “Alright, let’s not cry because I don’t want you to cry and you don’t want me to cry. Our goodbye needs to be as strong as our friendship, it has to speak for it”. None of us cried, thank you Kai. Oh god, how much I’ve learnt from people! Had it not been because of Kai and I would still be that little insecure girl I was in 7th grade. And Riti. We didn’t cry either. It was hard but worth it, I am tougher now. Perhaps the year I cried the most, but my favourite by far. Look at how it evolved. I quickly learnt that resistance was no good and I adapted because I had no other choice. “Dragging your feet only causes friction-thank you duckling”. Best decision I took, I don’t regret a single thing. I met amazing people, which I’m so happy I got to know. Oh, the beauty of attachments! My roots; my family and my culture. My people. Forgive me if I keep using the word ‘beautiful’, I should try to use synonyms, shouldn’t I? Hahaha! (lovely, marvellous, charming, and whatnot) Oh charming, I love that word; so magical. I can’t help but use the word ‘beautiful’ because this year was just beautiful! If you looked back, don’t you feel like it was like water? Very flowy (not inferring I swam with the stream at all). I adapted to the river channel, and that little bump in the middle had its purpose; it led to an ocean. What a beautiful year! Full of emotion, people, thoughts, and self-development. Don’t deny it girlie, you know yourself it was the best, don’t let go of the memories. Time to look at what you did right and wrong, don’t you think?

I can’t forget to tell you how you were and how you are after the change, because you have changed with the change. Aovubsoubcoau. ß red line! Word sees some spelling mistake I think. Well, in Finland you were determined, hard-working, intriguing, creative, deep, desirous of cultivating yourself, thoughtful, emotional, accomplished, sensible, human a little more closed and awkward so to speak, positive, full of initiative, expressive in your own way, full of life, worthy, more serious and a little proud. I wrote as much as I could because I never want you to forget how you were back then. Don’t forget that people had faith in you, they really did. Even teachers. “Strong persona” “Strong authoritative voice” “talented”. What now? This is on its way to being a new year’s resolution, not saying that I’ll tell you you were shit by the end of the year. Situation and circumstances are things you handled well, but it’s understandable I can’t see how I was before at the moment.  You’re more stressed out but that also means lazier. How? – you might ask. When put under stress, we either “fight or flight” and you’re flying away, not fighting against it! What happened to that initiative? It was characterizing. You can’t lose it. You temporarily misplaced it; hear what I’m saying? You are still deep, sensible, emotional, hard working, determined, accomplished and all that. But this second half of the year you stopped doing something, which you found highly fulfilling, you left your blog aside. That’s very positive for you and I don’t know why you forgot about it. It made you think, express yourself, it made you proud, gave you confidence, it was great. Why get rid of something like that? I loved the values I had earlier, and I want you to have them back. You need to organize yourself and go back to your writing routine. I know it’s been both: a time issue as well as a laziness issue. Translation? You tell me smartass. Organize your time and write, it’s for your sake. You need to go down the right track. Also promise me you won’t lose your quirkiness. It’s not like you have lost it, you still have it and I love it but you’re risking it. Write, please write. On the bright side, you’re more open and more social capable. That was expected. A little happier? Maybe. I’d describe it as simply different though, in a good way. Your ideas have developed as you have developed, that’s good too. One more thing, be careful with your studies. You did a great job this trimester and I’m proud of that, 8.7 average (not your grades, but quite impressive considering it’s a new school and all) And you still stand out so yay! I also feel that this second half of the year made you use your brain way too much, perhaps the way to being happier lies in exercising so you can give your brain a rest and your body some work. But definitely go back to your blog.

I’m proud of how you handled this beautiful year and of what you’ve become. But hey, don’t we love making things better? List of goals? Sure thing, why not?

  • No procrastination
  • Get enough hours of sleep. Quit whatsapp. Try to go to bed at 10:30-11:00- it’s your health
  • Talking about health, please eat more fruit and exercise more. Join a gym maybe? Wouldn’t that be great to recover your initiative?
  • Average of a 9 for this second trimester. Holy we need to look long term. A year- three semesters! Keep it up, okay? All I ask is for improvement now, not numbers. Keep going higher, there’s no limit as to what you can do
  • WRITE. GET BACK TO YOUR BLOG and exploit your creativity
  • Focus on your personal project. Don’t leave it all for the last minute
  • Balance time out, social life, school, yourself
  • Keep loving and holding onto people. Bonds have proven to be important
  • We’re going to keep working on the following virtues: helpfulness, kindness, benevolence, loyalty, thoughtfulness, empathy, determination, compassion, which are virtues you already possess. Don’t leave them behind.
  • We’re going to introduce new principles to work on this year; enthusiasm, energy, (be real- I fear you’ll become fake),
  • Learn how to alienate from stress. You’ll get further if you do. Maybe something on stress on your blog? What do you think?
  • Make an effort to keep in touch with everyone you love
  • Go into handicrafts and art, I think it will make you more dynamic

Looking back at the short resolution you did last year, some things have been accomplished; The Confidence Project was fruitful. Look at you now! You don’t even get that carried away anymore. How often do you actually cry? Once every two months or something! You’re good to go. This year looks promising, you just need to sort out your time, get things done and enjoy. Don’t hurt people in the way. It hurts to say goodbye to this BEAUTIFUL year but I can’t wait to see what you can make of this upcoming year.

Darker writing

I haven’t posted anything for a while. I could have done so but I haven’t been in my writing mood. I’m quite bipolar because of the moving, it’s going well but in my head, nothing is easy. I look back and can’t move forward. Attachments are a bitch. Today, I thought I needed to write something for the sake of letting things out. You’re generally used to seeing happy and positive writing on my blog. Be warned that these two passages you’re about to read are slightly different. I don’t necessarily love what I’m finding here and I had higher expectations of people. It’s not like I hate it either, just that I’m not used to it.

“Change is full of ups and downs. And I hate that because I love stability. Who doesn’t? We all want to have a routine that we can escape sometimes and be surrounded by the ones we love and do what we love. But what happens when you don’t have any of those things? You need to adapt to what you have because longing isn’t going to take you anywhere.”

“When I look at myself in the bathroom mirror, my eyes are watery and instead of seeing what a beautiful person I am, I see all the shit I’m going through, I murmur, “Big girls don’t cry”. When I drop the first tear, I repeat the words again with a louder yet more trembling voice, “Big girls don’t cry”. And then, I realize I’m crying like a baby and I hate myself for that. I considered myself strong but I am myself proving that to be wrong. So, in the hope that I will stop I scream, “BIG GIRLS DON’T FUCKING CRY’. It doesn’t help. I wish my voice would break the mirror and my hands could build a new one up. It doesn’t work that way though, I’m not strong enough. ”

First of all I need to say that it’s not a bad period that I’m going through right now, it’s just that it isn’t the best. And as I said before, change is full of ups and downs. I know myself, I’ll try to flight at first because that’s my instinct but I’m smart enough to know that what I need to be doing really is fighting. I just need time to stop and think how I will tackle the problem. It’s all going to be good I know. In a way, getting lost is the only way of finding yourself.