
It was a great day today! I completed my workout in the morning and went out later with a great attitude. I am really really happy. If you would like to check the workout(s) I am following, here you have two links:


I am trying to do both workouts or challenges at once. I did so for 20 days in a row but I quit, so now, I decided to start from the beginning and do it properly since I have a lot more time. YAAAYY SUMMER 🙂 

I would seriously love it if you felt like following the workouts above and blog about it. We could both blog about it. The hashtag used on Twitter is #30dayfitness, so we might as well make it popular here around WordPress. If you are interested, well you can always comment here or contact me by email, this one should be on my gravatar profile if I am not mistaken. 

When I woke up I saw a comment I loved;

“Move forward openly with curiosity and amusement with your passions rather than demands and hopes. Don’t expect it to go as planned but know that the unplanned may lead to the best later. The best is yet to come.” -Erik Conover. Here is a link to his blog: http://erikconover.com/

It’s true. I planned my day and planning it helped me get going. But after waking up to this and after today’s day, I have learnt one thing; You can “plan happiness” in the sense of balance and empowerment, but joy is unexpected and it’s a beautiful emotion that involves more than yourself. Unplanned things are the extra bit of happiness that one cannot miss. Happiness is not only about yourself but also about others. Oh boy, I like the sound of that; I am making it a quote on my next post, which I will do as soon as I finish this one.

By the way, please please if you could recommend some books for me to read, please do! I want to read this summer but I don’t know what to read. I recently read The Fault In Our Stars and loved it. I’m going to watch it in the cinema tomorrow! Yay! If I’m up for it, I will compare the book and the movie vaguely.

This is all I can do for today, I am kind of tired and I want to wake up early tomorrow and get going with life. I am going to give writing some more time tomorrow. Thank you guys for giving me strength and for taking your time to read this. 

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, wherever you’re reading this. Have a great great day ahead! or if you’re reading this late, sleep well and make the best of tomorrow.